»姓名:丛富云 | »系属:资源系 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称:副教授 | |
»专业:地质资源与地质工程 | »导师类别:硕士生导师 | |
»电子邮箱:fycong@upc.edu.cn | ||
»联系电话: | ||
»通讯地址:中国石油大学(华东)工科楼C座640 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 叠合盆地深层油气成藏历史及富集机理 油气成藏年代学及应用(原油Re-Os定年、碳酸盐岩U-Pb定年等) 稳定(团簇)同位素地球化学及油气地质应用 ◎教育经历 2015-09至2021-06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 资源学院石油地质系, 博士, 导师:陆永潮 2018-10至2019-10,加州理工学院,地球与行星科学系,联合培养博士,导师:John Eiler 2011-09至2015-06, 中国地质大学(武汉), 资源学院石油地质系, 学士 ◎工作经历 2024-05至今, 中国石油大学(华东), yh533388银河, 副教授 2024-03至 2024-05, 中国石油大学(华东), yh533388银河, 特任副教授 2021-10至 2024-03, 中国石油大学(华东), yh533388银河, 师资博士后, 合作导师: 郝芳 ◎学术兼职 AAPG Bulletin, GSA Bulletin, Chemical Geology, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences等SCI期刊审稿人。 GSA、AGU、AAPG、中国地质学会等会员。 ◎主讲课程 ◎指导研究生及博士后 协助指导硕士研究生5名,博士研究生3名。 ◎承担项目 参加多项国家级基金项目及企事业单位协作项目,其中主要承担及参与的项目包括: 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目,42202142,绝对定年约束下的走滑断裂带分段活动及油气差异富集研究,以塔里木盆地哈拉哈塘油田为例,2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持; 2. 青岛市博士后创新基金,2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持; 3. yh533388银河自主创新基金项目,2021-10至2024-10,在研,主持; 4. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司科技管理部, 中石油重大科技项目,2014-WYB-199,课题:塔里木盆地台盆区重点层系碳酸盐岩储层发育模式与油气成藏机理研究,2019-01 至 2023-12,在研, 参与; 5. 国家重点研发计划项目,2020YFA07148042,专题:含油气系统的Re-Os同位素定年及烃源示踪应用,2020-12-2025-11,在研,参与; 6. 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项,XDA14010305,子课题:塔里木盆地重点地区深层油气运移机理与富集模式,2017-01 至今, 在研, 参与; 7. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,42172160,塔北、塔中地区下古生界断裂带方解石脉形成期次及其对油气充注期次的指示作用,2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31,在研,参与; 8. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,42072179,四川盆地涪陵地区五峰—龙马溪组高过成熟海相富有机质页岩成烃史与封闭性演化:基于团簇同位素约束,2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 在研, 参与; 9. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,41602150,渤海海域新近纪—第四纪拗陷期构造活化及油气成藏效应,2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 结题, 参与; 10. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,41690134,富有机质页岩孔隙、裂隙演化与页岩气差异富集机理,2017-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 结题, 参与; 11. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41672141,莺歌海盆地东方区中深层强超压环境压力-应力耦合下流体保存与排放的动力学机制,2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31,结题,参与。 ◎获奖情况 2019.03 美国 AAPG Grants-in-Aid全球助研金; 2021.05 美国 AAPG Grants-in-Aid全球助研金; ◎荣誉称号 2023年3月,入选山东省博士后创新人才支持计划; 2023年12月,入选泰山学者青年专家计划。 ◎著作 ◎论文 1. Fuyun Cong, Jinqiang Tian, Fang Hao, Qi Wang, Jianzhang Liu, Zicheng Cao. Differential petroleum charging controlled by movements of two strike-slip faults in Shunbei area, Tarim basin, Northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 2024, 108(5): 877–906. 2. Fuyun Cong, Jinqiang Tian, Fang Hao, Qi Wang, Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark, Zicheng Cao. In-situ calcite U-Pb ages and absolute timing of oil charge events: A case study of ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs in the Shunbei oilfield, Tarim basin, Northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2024, 259: 105904. 3. Fuyun Cong; Jinqiang Tian; Fang Hao; Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark; Wenqing Pan; Baoshou Zhang; Calcite U-Pb ages constrain petroleum migration pathways in tectonic complex basins, Geology, 2022,50 (6): 644–649. 4. Fuyun Cong; Jinqiang Tian; Fang Hao; Alexis Licht; Yuchen Liu; Zicheng Cao; John M. Eiler; A thermal pulse induced by a Permian mantle plume in the Tarim Basin, Southwest China: Constraints from clumped isotope thermometry and in‐situ calcite U‐Pb dating, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126: e2020JB020636. 5. Fuyun Cong; Heng Zhang; Fang Hao; Shang Xu; Direct control of normal fault in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in northwestern Bozhong subbasin, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 120: 104555. 6. Fuyun Cong; Fangbing Zhu; Zhongxian Cai; Haoru Chen; Jie Li; Yuxuan Wang; Liangjun Wang; Orbitally forced glacio-eustatic origin of third-order sequences and parasequences in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation, South China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 99: 237-251. 7. Shang Xu; Fuyun Cong; Fang Hao; Weilin Zhu; Huayao Zou; Shelf-edge trajectory and sediment dispersal in a lacustrine setting: A case study from Qinnan depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 91: 562-575. 8. 丛富云, 徐尚, 2017. 陆架边缘迁移轨迹研究现状及应用前景. 地球科学进展, 32(09): 1-12. 9. Feifei Yuan, Xianzhang Yang, Ke Zhang, Jinqiang Tian, Fang Hao, Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark, Fuyun Cong, Xiaoxue Wang, Multiple geochronological evidences revealing oil charging and redistribution processes in the Tazhong-4 Oilfield, Tazhong Uplift (Tarim Basin): Implications for quantitative reconstruction of petroleum accumulation history in superimposed basins, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024, 162: 106688. 10. Zhuo Liu, Jinqiang Tian, Fang Hao, Xianzhang Yang, Yongquan Chen, Ke Zhang, Xiaoxue Wang, Li Quan, Fuyun Cong. Hydrocarbon generation process of deeply buried Cambrian Yuertusi Formation in the Tabei uplift, Tarim Basin, west China: constraints from calcite vein hosting oil inclusions in the source rock. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/B37295.1. 11. Zhenzhen Wang, Zhidan Zhao, Xuping Li, Dong Liu, Xuanxue Mo, Di-Cheng Zhu, Yuanku Meng, Yan Tang, Fuyun Cong. The process of crustal thickening in the southern Lhasa terrane during India-Eurasia collision: Constraint from Eocene high Sr/Y rocks in the Quxu pluton. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/B36821.1. 12. Zhenzhen Wang, Zhidan Zhao, Sushan Wang, Xuping Li, Yuanku Meng, Dong Liu, Xuanxue Mo, Fuyun Cong. Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Sandaowanzi area constrain the geodynamics and magma fertility. Ore Geology Reviews, 2023, 158: 105473. 13. Chaojin Lu, Huayao Zou, Guangwei Wang, Fuyun Cong, Yongbin Quan, Peter K. Swart. Clumped isotopes of paired dolomite and calcite constraining alteration histories of ancient carbonate successions. Chemical Geology, 2023, 617: 121264. 14. Ping Wang, Guangwei Wang, Yongquan Chen, Fang Hao, Xianzhang Yang, Fangjie Hu, Ling Zhou, Yan Yi, Guo Yang, Xiaoxue Wang, Fuyun Cong. Formation and preservation of ultra-deep high-quality dolomite reservoirs under the coupling of sedimentation and diagenesis in the central Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022, 149: 106084. 15. Zhenzhen Wang, Mingchun Dong, Zhidan Zhao, Xuping Li, Dong Liu, Qing Wang, Di-Cheng Zhu, Liang-Liang Zhang, Xuanxue Mo, Yuanku Meng, Fuyun Cong, Lawangin Sheikh, Wasiq Lutfi. High- and low-Mg adakitic rocks in southern Tibet: Implication for the crustal thickening and geodynamic process in the late Cretaceous.Lithos, 2022, 422–423: 106748. 16. Zhenzhen Wang, Zhidan Zhao, Paul D. Asimow, Xuping Li, Yuanku Meng, Dong Liu, Xuanxue Mo, Di-Cheng Zhu, Yan Tang, Fuyun Cong. Two episodes of Eocene mafic magmatism in the southern Lhasa terrane imply an eastward propagation of slab breakoff. Gondwana Research, 2022, 110: 31-43, 17. Hao Xie, Guannan Dong, Michael Formolo, Michael Lawson, Jianzhang Liu, Fuyun Cong, Xavier Mangenot, Yanhua Shuai, Camilo Ponton, John Eiler. The evolution of intra- and inter-molecular isotope equilibria in natural gases with thermal maturation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2021, 307: 22-41. 18. Qi Wang, Fang Hao, Zicheng Cao, Jinqiang Tian, Fuyun Cong. Geochemistry and origin of the ultra-deep Ordovician oils in the Shunbei field, Tarim Basin, China: Implications on alteration and mixing. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 123: 104725. 19. Xianfeng Liu, Jie Li, Zhongxian Cai, Haoru Chen, Fuyun Cong, Nan Wu, Liangjun Wang, Quanchao Wei, Zhujiang Liu, Yanping Luo. Contribution of clay on storage and adsorption capacities of the Middle Permian marls, South China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 207: 109193. 20. Xiaosong Wei, Detian Yan, Pan Luo, Ping Jiang, Hua Wang, Jiaxiong Zhou, Fuyun Cong, Xiangrong Yang, Xing Niu, Tong Li, Lei Liu, Entao Liu. Astronomically forced climate cooling across the Eocene–Oligocene transition in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, 558: 109945. 21. Lanpu Chen, Heng Zhang, Zhongxian Cai, Fuyun Cong, Shan Huang, Peng Tang. Characteristics and formation mechanisms of the unconformity-related paleokarst reservoirs in the Upper Sinian, Northwestern Tarim Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 120: 104559. 22. Yuxuan Wang, Shang Xu, Fang Hao, Baiqiao Zhang, Zhiguo Shu, Qiyang Gou, Yangbo Lu, Fuyun Cong. Multiscale petrographic heterogeneity and their implications for the nanoporous system of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in Jiaoshiba area, Southeast China: Response to depositional-diagenetic process. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2020, 132 (7-8): 1704–1721. 23. Zhongxian Cai, Jie Li, Haoru Chen, Fuyun Cong, Nan Wu, Liangjun Wang, Quanchao Wei, Yanping Luo. Genesis of Mg-phyllosilicate occurrences in the Middle Permian marine successions of South China.Applied Clay Science, 2019, 181: 105242. 24. Jinqiang Tian, Jianzhang, Liu, Zengbao Zhang, Fuyun Cong. Hydrocarbon generating potentials, depositional environments and organisms of the Middle Permian Tarlong Formation in the Turpan-Hami Basin, Northwestern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2017, 129 (9-10): 1252-1265. 25. Jie Li, Zhongxian Cai, Haoru Chen, Fuyun Cong. Control of primary cycles on differential diagenesis in limestone-marl alternations: an example from the Middle Permian marine successions, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017, 495: 139-151. ◎专利 |